These digital files are the product of Elfyne Design, and are protected by copyright law. I reserve the right to modify, update and change the Terms of Use for all my digital designs at anytime - with or without notice. Terms of Use on THIS webpage always supersede any previous Terms of Use, so please make sure you have read this page.
If you are unsure of a certain way you want to use my designs DO NOT assume it is ok - ask first. Just because I didn't say yes or no below doesn't mean it is allowed. Email me at oi elfyne@live.fr with your project details.
DO NOT redistribute these digital downloads on any groups or otherwise, even if they were given to you by me as a freebie. If your friends want to know where you got the download, you can have them visit my site or have them email me at oi elfyne@live.fr if the download is no longer available.
Wondering how to choose the proper licensing? On each product page you will see License Options similar to the image below. Select the appropriate licensing option from the drop down menu after reading the Elfyne Terms of Use on this webpage, then add the item to your cart. Note: Not all Elfyne products will have extra licensing options, see each products page for details.
What is allowed with the Personal Use License:
* You are allowed to incorporate Miss Tiina Personal Use designs into your own original art work and publish, display or distribute your work in any media, galleries, forums, blogs. Credit is not required but it would be EXTREMELY appreciated :o)
Example Crediting: Kit Name, by Elfyne to DIGI BOUTIK
* You are allowed to use Elfyne Use products in Scrap For Hire/Scrap For Others projects so long as the final result is delivered in a flattened .jpg/.png form.
* You are allowed to use Elfyne Personal Use products on your Personal blog so long as the final results are displayed in a flattened .jpg/.png form and not more than 72dpi. Credit must be given if used on your blog.
What is NOT allowed with the Personal Use License:
* You are NOT allowed to redistribute any file by any means.
* You are NOT allowed to claim any of these designs as your own - in their original format or altered.
* You are NOT allowed to include plain png’s, .abr, tubes, stamps, etc. of my images - in their original format or altered.
* You are NOT allowed to use my designs in commercial ways that you may OR may not profit from, this includes logos/branding.
* You are NOT allowed to use my designs in premade blog templates for free or for sale.
* You are NOT allowed to use my designs in commercial websites, this includes digital designer blogs.
* You are NOT allowed to turn my designs in to .svg format or any file types of the same nature - in their original format or altered.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE:
CREDIT is NOT required but it is appreciated.
These terms are for Digital Scrapbook Kit Designers ONLY, please see the next section below for Extended Commercial Use options.
What is allowed with the Commercial Use License:
* You are allowed to use Miss Tiina Commercial Use products to design DERIVATIVE digital scrapbook kit pieces, papers, & elements that you will sell (for personal use) to consumers themselves.
* You are allowed to use UP TO 50% of Elfyne Commercial Use images in a single kit/product AND you MUST include elements you designed as well in your kit/set along with them (unless it is a single alphabet or number set).
* You are allowed to use Elfyne Commercial Use products in Free, Scrap For Hire and Scrap For Others kits you design - so long as the final result is delivered in a flattened .jpg/.png form and the customer agrees not to sell their creations for commercial use as well as does not make them available on any print on demand sites.
What is NOT allowed with the Commercial Use License:
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute the original products in their original form. This means you must do something to the items you use of mine. Such as apply a style, texture, attach something to them or attach them to something.
* You are NOT allowed to include plain png’s, .abr, tubes, stamps, etc. of my images - in their original format or altered.
* You are NOT allowed to produce any other products than personal use digital scrapbook designs (This means you cannot make and sell printed kits/elements for retail stores, logos, commercial website/blog designs, digital/rubber stamps, cards, gift tags, invites, announcements, print on demand, clothing, fabric, vinyl art etc).
* You are NOT allowed to turn the original or derivative designs over to any company for any reason.
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute/share/sell any Elfyne designs in any way on print on demand sites such as Snapfish, Cafe Press, Zazzle, Minted etc.
* You are NOT allowed to turn my designs in to .svg format or any file types of the same nature - in their original format or altered.
If you wish to use Elfyne Designs in any other way then digital scrapbook designing, see the next section below for Extended Commercial Use Licensing options.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------EXTENDED COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE:
An EXTRA FEE is required to use my images under this license. See each products page for the fee amount. If you wish to purchase a pack you already own, please contact me for payment instructions.
CREDIT is NOT required but it is appreciated.
What is allowed with the Extended Commercial Use License:
* You are allowed to use Elfyne products to design DERIVATIVE cards, invites, custom blog themes, collage sheets, photography albums/cards/storyboards, etc. that you will sell to consumers themselves for PERSONAL USE ONLY.
* You are allowed to use Elfyne products in the above ways so long as the final result is delivered to the consumer in flattened .jpg/.png form AND you have done something to change the design, you can't just sell them as is.
What is NOT allowed with the Extended Commercial Use License:
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute the original products in their original form. This means you MUST do something to the items you use of mine. Such as apply a style, texture, attach something to them or vice versa.
* You are NOT allowed to include plain png’s, .abr, tubes, stamps, etc. of my images - in their original format or altered.
* You are NOT allowed to produce any other products (This means you cannot make and sell printed kits/elements for retail stores, logos, commercial website/blog designs, pre-made web/blog templates, digital/rubber stamps, print on demand, clothing, fabric, vinyl art etc).
* You are NOT allowed to turn the original or derivative designs over to any company for any reason.
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute/share/sell any Elfyne designs in any way on print on demand sites such as Snapfish, Cafe Press, Zazzle, Minted etc.
* You are NOT allowed to turn my designs in to .svg format or any file types of the same nature - in their original format or altered.
You MUST contact me for permission for ANY other use not mentioned above. Please email me with the planned usage for the appropriate licensing.
Last updated September 3, 2011
------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOGO/BRANDING/WEBSITE LICENSE:
With this license option you may create a custom logo for yourself or a client. To use an image in a logo the fee is $50.00 PER IMAGE and to use an image in a website design the fee is $20.00 PER IMAGE.
Click here to purchase Logo/Branding/Website License.
What is allowed with the Logo/Branding/Website License:
* You are allowed to use Elfyne products to design a custom logo for yourself or your client.
What is NOT allowed with the Logo/Branding/Website License:
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute the original products in their original form.
* You are NOT allowed to produce pre-made logos/branding concepts, pre-made web/blog templates.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------SVG CUTTING FILES LICENSE:
ONLY Elfyne listed in this category of my shop are permitted to be used under this license.
CREDIT is NOT required but it is appreciated.
What is allowed with the SVG Cutting Files License:
* You are allowed to use Elfyne Cutting Files to design physical products such as cards, invites, announcements & party orientated items that you will sell (for personal use) to consumers themselves. The final results MUST be physical products, not digital.
What is NOT allowed with the SVG Cutting Files License:
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute the original products in their original form.
* You are NOT allowed to produce any other products than mentioned above (This means you cannot make and sell printed kits/elements for retail stores, logos, commercial website/blog designs, digital/rubber stamps, print on demand, clothing, fabric, vinyl art etc).
* You are NOT allowed to turn the original or derivative designs over to any company for any reason, they should be sold by you, under your own name. (This means you cannot design for or sell them to another company in any format for any reason).
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute/share/sell any Elfyne designs in any way on print on demand sites such as Snapfish, Cafe Press, Zazzle, Minted etc.
* You are NOT allowed to redistribute my .svg designs as .svg format or any file types of the same nature - in their original format or altered.
If you wish to use Elfyne Cutting Files in any other way, please contact me for licensing options.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------TEACHERS & EDUCATORS LICENSE:
These terms are for Teachers and Educators ONLY.
There is no extra fee AS LONG AS CREDIT IS GIVEN (read below for details). If you do not want to credit you MUST purchase extended licenses for each and every pack you use.
These terms are NEW as of November 14, 2011 and the uses below were never previously permitted. If you have used my designs or fonts for these uses already, be sure to read the terms below and update ALL products, product listings and blog posts so you are not in violation.
What is allowed with the Teachers & Educators License:
* WITH CREDIT - You MAY sell lessons, plans, work sheets and other teaching materials you create using my designs or fonts on Teachers Pay Teachers, Teachers Notebook, your blog & website - so long as the final results are delivered in secure PDF or flattened .jpg form and the customer is aware they are to only be used for their own classroom use as well as is aware not to redistribute them.
* Credit MUST be given somewhere on the file itself, in all shop listings and on your blog when you post about it. Basically, wherever you show/sell something using my designs or fonts - you MUST give credit by including both my design name and website link similar to:
"Graphics (or Font) by Elfyne
* The designs MUST be altered in some way or another - you cannot just sell them as is. Changing the color, adding a sticker style or adding texture to them is NOT considered altered.
What is NOT allowed with the Teachers & Educators License:
* You are NOT allowed to produce any other products than teaching materials. (This means no logos, no blog designs/headers, no printed items etc. - see my other license options above for how to use my designs in those ways)
* You are NOT allowed to create any interactive whiteboard (IWB) lessons to sell or share.
* You are NOT allowed to re-distribute the original products in their original form.
* You are NOT allowed to include plain png’s, .abr, tubes, stamps, etc. of my images - in their original format or altered.
* You are NOT allowed to turn the original or derivative designs over to any company for any reason.
If you are unsure of a certain way you want to use my designs for your teaching project DO NOT assume it is ok - email me and ask first.
All content Copyright 2006-2012 Elfyne at elfyne@live.fr
All rights reserved.
Thank you for your support! Enjoy! =o)

elfyne creation
Projet 365